“May I be the doctor and the medicine
And may I be the nurse
For all sick beings in the world
Until everyone is healed.
May a rain of food and drink descend
To clear away the pain of thirst and hunger
And during the aeon of famine
May I myself change into food and drink.
May I become an inexhaustible treasure
For those who are poor and destitute;
May I turn into all things they could need
And may these be placed close beside them….
May I be protector for those without one,
A guide for all travelers on the way;
May I be a bridge, a boat and a ship
For all who wish to cross the water.
May I be an island for those who seek one,
And a lamp for those desiring light,
May I be a bed for all who wish to rest,
And a servant for those needing serivce.”
~ Shantideva
Shantideva was an 8th-century Indian Buddhist monk and scholar at Nalanda.
He was an adherent of the Madhyamaka philosophy of Nagarjuna…Source