Tuesday January 25th 2011

tuesday-january-25th-2011 Happiness

Thought for the Day

“Happiness is not something you postpone for the future;
it is something you design for the present.”

~ Jim Rohn

Jim Rohn*Emanuel James “Jim” Rohn

Born: September 17, 1930 Yakima, Washington
Died: December 5, 2009 West Hills, California

An American entrepreneur, author and motivational speaker. His rags to riches story played a large part in his work, which influenced others in the personal development industry.

Tony Robbins worked for Rohn, who mentored Robbins during his early career. Others who credit Rohn for his influence on their careers include authors Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup book series), author/lecturer Brian Tracy, and author/lecturer T. Harv Eker.

He was the recipient of the 1985 National Speakers Association CPAE Award for excellence in speaking. He is also the author of 17 different books, audio and video programs.

*Source | Home

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