Important Announcement to Our Readers

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We hope that you all are keeping safe and well. The last 12 months have had degrees of difficulty for all.

Some of you have asked if we’re okay. The short answer is yes, we’re okay. I know we’re better off than most during the mess of this crazy year. We have been careful, doing the things we need to do to stay safe.

As you may have noticed, we haven’t posted a Thought for the Day in many months.
After 13 years we have decided to shut down the website.This is a decision that we have struggled with for several years. It is being neglected. It’s time to let it go.

This coming May 18th, we will cancel the web hosting for the site. Our contact email will no longer be accessible since it is linked to the website.

We want to thank you for your support, comments and emails. Your words of encouragement and appreciation are what has kept Thought for the Day going for as long as it has. THANK YOU.

Take care of yourselves,

Charley and Susan


See also  Thursday February 11th 2016
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Thought for Today