Thought for the Day
“Love sought is good,
but giv’n unsought is better.”
~ William Shakespeare
Thought for the Day
“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny
but in ourselves.”
Thought for the Day
“Have more than thou showest,
speak less than thou knowest.”
Thought for the Day
“How poor are they that have not patience!
What wound did ever heal but by degrees?”
Thought for the Day
“Cowards die many times before their deaths;
The valiant never taste of death but once.”
Thought For Today
“Love all,
trust a few,
do wrong to none.”
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too nice
Great thoughts leads to cool mind.. Thanks boss
It’s very inspired
William Shakespeare is genious.
He proved that words can rule the world
I like it?
Very nice
it so nice I am from jammu and kashmir dis.doda
Sometimes the bad things of our life directly lead us to the path of good life
Wow khusbu ur so nice
Ya u right on your side
Today the day is gay and so I am
Great mantra for living happy and humble.
Be great thoughts
I love more thoughts
that is a nice word i realy like this
Nice thought
Doing good 2 somebody makes feel happy .. Thanx 4 serving us and making my day very pleasent..:)
so good nice one
its amezing page
Thanks for the collection.
It’s really a heart touching thought
Very very trrue and wise word for all time.
Trust peoples but check some times.
its sooooo nice
i m from nepal kathmadu
i syudy in G.P.S.
MEANS Galaxy pubic school
heart touching and mind provoking sayings
every thoughts i’d read sharpen my mind and giving me second chance to be a better one….thank you so much
Thank you for reading!
Nice Thoughts…
Heads off mr…
it is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood!