Tuesday January 8th 2008

tuesday-january-8th-2008 Attitude

Thought for Today

“I am convinced that life is
10% what happens to me

and 90 % how I react to it.”

~ Charles Swindoll

During the early 1990’s I was the operations manager for a large industrial tire distributor. I was having a particularly bad day and my boss Robert having sensed this, (I think my temper tantrum was a dead giveaway) called me into his office.

Robert asked me two questions; “#1 are you going to die from it?” I said, “Excuse me!” He said, “This thing that has you so upset, is it going to kill you?

And question #2 is it going to affect your family?” “Well” I said, “No It’s not.” “Then why are you letting it boil your blood?” he asked.” He turned and pointed to a rather large bottle of antacids on a shelf behind his desk. “I used to consume a bottle of those antacids a month.” He replied. “Until I learned that there are some things that are not worth getting upset about. Now go back to work and take care of this issue with a different mindset.”

I never forgot that lesson and coming from a boss who is six years younger than I am.

See also  Monday October 10th 2011
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