Martin Luther King Jr. Quotes

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Thought for the Day

“Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability,
but comes through continuous struggle.
And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom.
A man can’t ride you unless your back is bent.”

~ Martin Luther King, Jr


Thought for the Day

“Never, never,
be afraid to do what’s right,

especially if the well-being of a person or animal is at stake.
Society’s punishments are small
compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul
when we look the other way.”

 ~ Martin Luther King, Jr


Thought for the Day

“The only way we can really achieve freedom
is to somehow conquer the fear of death.”

See also  Confucius Quotes

Martin Luther King, Jr.


“The ultimate measure of a man
is not where he stands in moments of comfort,
but where he stands
at times of challenge and controversy.”

See also  Joseph Campbell Quotes

~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

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Martin Luther King Jr. Quotes — 30 Comments

  1. why is Martin Luther King a hero or famous to all of you today I’m doing an assignment on him and id like to know

  2. the inspiration I got by reading through the quotes of Martin Luther King was something great. I do admire such a great soul.Thanks!

  3. Wonderful…lovely….excellent….brilliant…mavelous… your thoughts healed me somehow martin, thnx n thnx again

  4. “Martin Luther King Jr. Quotes | Thought for the Day” was
    indeed a remarkable article and thus I was in fact really joyful to read
    the blog post. Many thanks,Sallie

  5. worst thoughts tha i ever read simply ugly and horrideos i think the man is bad and his thoughts as well i found no encouraging and fabulous poor mean litle beast………………..

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